Du skal høre mye Nyheter

1. april-påfunn rundtom på veven

Tradisjonen tro skal folk lures 1. april, og årets er intet unntak. I løpet av dagen vil jeg prøve å oppdatere denne posten med forskjellige saker jeg kommer over som helt klart er 1. april-spøker 🙂

Uansett hvor harde kår Facebook har for sine brukere, er sannsynligheten for at de finner på noe slikt relativt liten.

IE 8.1 med støtte for Firefox-plugins?

Opera med Face Gestures! Blunk til kamera for å oppdatere siden.

"Forumet er hacket". Jeje, den har vi hørt før, men vent! Hva skjedde med avataren min?!

Et kvitter på Twitter fra NRKbeta om nedleggelse. Herlig altså.

Som vanlig er YouTube på banen og gjør noe festlig. I dag er alle videoer på forsiden snudd på hodet, og det samme er teksten på sidene til disse. Genialt!

Interne-post i innboksen når jeg kom på jobb i dag henviste til et salg av Opoint.

Veldig sannsynlig at staten gir 100 personer unntak fra å måtte bruke omkjøringsvei i Hønefoss' mest trafikkerte gate under ombyggingen.

Tips og triks

Opera og blokkering av Flash

Hovedsakelig har jeg kalt meg «Opera-fanboy». I hvert fall i min tid som «Windows-fanboy», men nå i ettertid som jeg er fast bruker av denne Luniksen og hacker-OS-et så har Opera vist seg å være litt mindre stabil. Spesielt med tanke på den ufattelige dårlige støtten for Flash i Linux. Som Håkon Wium Lie selv sa det i et intervju med Digi.no så er Flash-pluginen i Linux svært ressurskrevende og "Linux blir diskriminert i Flash-verdenen". Touché!

I en perfekt verden hadde Opera hatt skikkelige plugins og ikke idiotiske Widgets. Kanskje noe som kan komme i Opera 10, men jeg skal innrømme å ikke være for optimistisk når det kommer til akkurat det. Her om dagen når Aftenposten.no hadde wallpaper-reklamer på forsiden så var det så å si umulig og surfe med Opera der. Fantastisk. Sånt gir jo bare Firefox et enda større forsprang. Samtidig må det jo også sies at Firebug til Firefox er genial. Dragonfly til Opera er, i mine øyne, udugelig. Hvordan noen i det hele tatt orker å bruke den til å debugge DOM og JavaScript, forstår jeg ikke.

Uansett, nok flaming av Opera hittil. I dag gjorde jeg, helt tilfeldig, et søk på Google. Til min store overraskelse (burde egentlig ikke blitt så overasket), fant jeg en implementasjon av Flashblocker til Opera. Denne fungerer så å si akkurat som Flashblock til Firefox/Mozilla, foruten muligheten å høyreklikke og velge "Allow Flash from this site", som da automatisk legger inn domenet i en white-list. En egen fil (FlashBlocker-white-list.js) er for øvrig til dette formålet, selv om det er litt vrient å legge inn linjer i den filen manuelt, men hey - hva gjør man ikke for en god browser? 🙂

Tips og triks

Get HTC Touch Diamond to work in Ubuntu with VirtualBox

I am currently in position of a HTC Touch Diamond, but since I'm using Ubuntu as my native OS I was sort of hoping I didn't have to boot into Windows every time I want to transfer some music or just sync my contacts. So I started wondering how to get my USB devices show up in VirtualBox so that I could use them in my guest OSs, and here's what I managed to figure out.

This "guide" isn't just for getting a HTC Touch Diamond working with VirtualBox, but more like a general "how to get USB devices working in VirtualBox guests".

Getting ActiveSync working inside a guest OS in VirtualBox
First of all, you need to make sure you have set up usbfs correctly. I don't know what "getting usbfs to work" means, but I still got it working. We need to find out what the gid for the vboxusers-group is. The easiest way would be grepping /etc/group for "vboxusers", like this:

foo@bar:~$ grep vboxusers /etc/group

and you'll probably get a result like this:


and you'll se different values separated by colons ( 🙂 where the first (vboxusers) is the groupname, second (x) is the group password (normally jus

t an 'x' saying that no password is needed), third (125) is the group ID (gid) and the fourth (foo,bar) is a list of users that is a member of this group (usernames separated by com

Then we know our gid, which is 125, but this can be different on your computer!

Then we add a line to the /etc/fstab file, but remember to replace 125 in "devgid=125" with the group ID from your OS!

none        /proc/bus/usb   usbfs   devgid=125,devmode=664 0   0

And that's it! All you need to do to make it work now is to right-click on the cable-icon in the VirtualBox window and select your device 🙂

Nyheter Tester Tips og triks

Upgrading to Intrepid

I recently upgraded my laptop to the Ubuntu Intrepid Ibex beta. Though, not everything went according to my hopes and dreams.

For the first time i thought I'd give it a try and just upgrade the laptop without "safing" by logging out and doing all the commands via TTY1. Most likely, that didn't have anything to do with any of my issues, but you never know (that's why I mentioned it! :p ).

First issue (solved)
After the reboot, my Xserver didn't quite seem to start correctly. I was expecting this since I manually download nVidia's closed Linux drivers from their website, and this needs to be re-compiled everytime a new Linux kernel is available. So, I tried to install my good old driver, which didn't work, then I downloaded the latest (177.80) and tried, but still no action. So I just downloaded the driver from the packet manager, nvidia-glx-177, which made it all work again. Well, at least until I started to get annoyed by not being able to install the drivers from nvidia.com, so I removed all installed nvidia driver stuff and manually installed the latest drivers from nVidia. Finally, it worked :happy:

Second issue (solved)
My Openbox w/ Gnome didn't quite seem to work. Just got an error straigt after logging in which showed me some errors from the ~/.xsession-errors file. After a Googling the issue, it seems that this is a bug and is easily fixed by editing the /usr/bin/openbox-gnome-session file.

Third issue (unsolved)
Now, my third an last issue. My proggyfonts doesn't seem to be handled correctly in their bold-state in gnome-terminal. They are quite ugly when they are bold, and this is bugging the hell out of me. Haven't found anyone else with the same issues yet either, so this remains unsolved. Turning off bold text in gnome-terminal works, but that sort of takes away the charm of the terminal. If you have any ideas, I'd appreciate them 🙂


Internet Explorer 6's DOM label.htmlFor handling

Lately I've been working on making a AJAX-based poll which also sets/checks whether a cookie exists for the current one. Of course, something does not and will not work in IE6.
This time it's the for-attribute in label-elements. When creating a DOM-node with


, it will so absolutely NOT render this ? I've tried "elem.htmlFor" (which is correct and works in all other browsers, even IE7), "elem.for" (which, of course, does not work in either), "elem['for']" and "elem['htmlFor']".
First, I thought this doesn't work when doing it the DOM-way, but when I later on tried to add the attribute by looping over all the label-elements I could find, it did not work either. God damn hippie browser. ?
The only way I got this thing working, was by inserting the HTML in the "good old" cursed way, by modifying the innerHTML-property of the node.

elem.innerHTML = '<label for="foobar">Foo + bar</label>';

Thank God it's only tuesday. Anyone else had any similar experiences? Feel free to comment 🙂

Edit: A nifty hack made IE6 do it's job. By adding a function that checks the radiobutton and binding this to the "onclick" on the label does the job.